Five Tips for Potty Training While Camping

Five Tips for potty training while camping

This week we found our selves back at the American Adventurist Mountain Rendezvous at Camp Taquitz up in Big Bear. This particular rendezvous was a little bit more trying than the past ones have been. No, not because it was a weekend surrounded by like-minded campers or the amazing pot luck and dutch oven competition, but because we were also attempting to potty train while we camped for 4 days.

Crockpot Chili Dogs: An Almost No Prep Meal

I am all about a fast meal, so I had to share! The other night, we headed to an event at a local kids museum, and from there we had two hours to eat and get to a hockey game about 45 minutes from home. I needed something I could throw in a crockpot (that … Read more Crockpot Chili Dogs: An Almost No Prep Meal