No Pool? No Problem! How to beat Summer

Summer is officially here and it’s getting hotter by the day.

20180507_151121-01.jpegAs a family who doesn’t have a pool or even much of a kid-friendly backyard, we knew we would have to get creative when trying to keep cool this summer.

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Pretend City- Children’s Museum Orange County- Pt. 1

In a small, unassuming business park in Irvine, Ca, lies a bit of a hidden gem for the younger kiddos in your life. We got a chance to hang out with our partner, Pretend City this past weekend, and WOW. The proprietors of this Non-profit establishment have taken a largish warehouse and completely transformed it … Read more Pretend City- Children’s Museum Orange County- Pt. 1

2017 American Adventurist SoCal Mountain Rendezvous

Group photo from the 2017 American Adventurist SoCal Mountain Rendezvous

Last weekend put the 7th Annual SoCal Mountain Rendezvous in the books.  This is one of 3 Rendezvous events put on by the American Adventurist family, and as always it is done in support of the community.  Mountain Rendezvous or MRV, in particular, is a fundraiser for the Long Beach Council of the Boy Scouts … Read more 2017 American Adventurist SoCal Mountain Rendezvous