Changes Afoot


There have been some really big changes for us lately. I recently got laid off, (it’s fine, we were expecting it, due to the sale of the company I worked for). So, as a result, I’ll be home with Baby Wagon while I look for something else.

No way does she let me sit all day! (I wouldn’t have it any other way)

Can you believe I actually thought I might be bored? I have been busier at home than I ever could have thought. Going from days of working on projects, seated at a desk for 9 hours are over, and I am getting used to chasing the Toddle Bucket all over the place. Guys, It’s a COMPLETE lifestyle overhaul. My body is just not used to all the running around, so working those muscles out has been challenging and fun. Especially since my little one loves to fly, swim, and jump really high.

Not our house… I wish we had a pool

It’s been about a month and a half of being home, and I’m STILL getting used to our new schedule. There are still days when I wake up thinking that I need to get ready for work! The adjustment period has been interesting, to say the least. Not even to mention that we have taken on a pretty tight budget since we are now on one income.

Life with this kid is never boring

As someone who hasn’t left a job without immediate future plans to work someplace else, I was floundering for a while. Of course, I am absolutely ecstatic to be able to be home with our little girl, but I know I’ll need something to really feel like I am making a contribution to our household. The good news is that I can take a while to find something perfect for me.

There is a definitive learning curve here

Enter a new venture

But we are managing, and making cool stuff like this!

Since Cris and I have been hemming and hawing around starting a small business, I am looking forward to growing with my daughter and taking on some interesting new projects surrounding 3d printing. I am not super techy, so it should be a fun new challenge for us to take on as a family.

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