Finding a Pediatric Dentist

With a little one who is cutting molars, we have recently started discussing how to choose a pediatric dentist for Baby Wagon, and how to go about introducing her to proper dental care.

We have her brush her teeth on a pretty regular basis, although I will admit to having a hard time corralling her long enough to do it properly. Usually, I brush for her for as long as she will let me, about 20 seconds, then she grabs the brush to chew on for a bit. The pediatrician has given the OK on this practice, but I still want to have her brushing regularly before we go see a dentist.

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Good Outdoor Gear for Curvy Adventurists

I have been curvy my whole life. While I am healthy, love myself, and have come to terms with my ever-fluctuating body, it’s been a frustrating trip trying to find clothing that I love and feel good in, and gear that works for traveling and adventuring the way we do. The average woman is a … Read more Good Outdoor Gear for Curvy Adventurists

It’s Self CARE, Not SelfISH- But That’s OK Too

We love being parents. Period.

I mean… How could we not love that face?


That isn’t, however, to say that every once in a while we don’t want to take a break and be on our own, or go out with our wonderful friends, sans child.

And that’s OK. It doesn’t make me or Cris any less of a parent to say “I need a break for a bit”.

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Working Away From Home? There are a Few Advantages

Going back to work after bringing BW into the world was HARD. It still breaks my heart a little to leave her every day, especially now that she’s getting to the point where she knows we’re gone, and there’s tears every time daddy or mommy leave the room. Even just for 5 minutes. However, as … Read more Working Away From Home? There are a Few Advantages